Pain Management

Businessman With Backache - Isolated

5 Questions To Ask Yourself:

  1. Does your pain prevent you from doing normal, everyday activities?
  2.  Is your pain worsening or spreading to other parts of your body?
  3. Do you find it difficult to get comfortable when sitting or sleeping?
  4. Has my pain been a persistent problem for more than a week?
  5. Are you relying on NSAIDs to get through the day?

If you answered, “yes”, to any or all of the questions, treatment might be right for you. The experienced, friendly doctors at Northeast Family Medical and Rehabilitation Center are specialists in pain management. They can help treat acute and chronic discomfort caused by auto accident injury, work injury or a lifestyle related injury.

Northeast Family Medical and Rehabilitation Center can help relieve discomfort in the joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons caused by auto accident injuries and work injuries. We can help you reduce inflammation, soreness and tightness. Our doctors are specialists in the treatment of common auto accident injuries and work injuries involving the back and the neck.

How Does It Work?

Our care combines different therapies such as massage therapy and physical rehabilitation to ease pain and discomfort and help you recover and rebuild. We use hands-on spinal manipulation to help bring the spine back to a healthy alignment. This will allow the body to heal on its own. In conjunction with spinal manipulation, we can use other effective forms of treatment such as physical rehabilitation, massage therapy and nutritional counseling.

Ready To Start Managing Your Pain?

Contact our Philadelphia office (Cottman Avenue) today to set up an appointment or inquire about our services and to learn how the doctors at Northeast Family Medical and Rehabilitation Center can help you manage your discomfort. Our objective isn’t just to treat the symptoms, we want to get your whole body healthy and well in the process. Then, in the future you will be less susceptible to injury. We will help you develop a care plan that includes long-term health objectives. Healthy living is our ultimate goal.